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Buddhism explained

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Budda statue in Japan

Sarah a Buddhist
in West Yorkshire 
explains her 
interest in 
and its beliefs.

"Interest in Buddhism in the UK is growing. According to the latest census information, the number of people who classify themselves as "Buddhist" has doubled over the last 10 years. The wide range of Buddhist groups and meditation classes in and around West Yorkshire represents the richness and complexity of the Buddhist philosophical tradition, whose history stretches back over 2,500 years.

Tosho temple in Japan
There are three main Buddhist traditions: the "Theravada" of South East Asia, the Eastern tradition of China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam, ("Zen" Buddhism comes within this tradition), and Tibetan Buddhism. The essential Buddhist teachings remain the same, but have adapted themselves to different cultures.

This richness of traditions offers many ways of practice, to suit people of different personalities and backgrounds.

Buddhism refers to the teachings of the Buddha. The word "Buddha" means "one who is awake". The historical Buddha was not a god or a prophet, but a man called Siddartha Gautama, and this title was given to him when he achieved "enlightenment", or "nirvana". A difficult concept to grasp, nirvana is described as the highest bliss, it is a profound experience of total liberation from suffering, achieved through a complete understanding of the nature of all reality. The Buddha taught a path that, if practiced for oneself, leads ultimately to this goal.

Essentially, there are three parts to the Buddha's path
  • The practice of training the mind, or meditation
  • The development of wisdom, or insight
  • The practice of skilful conduct - endeavouring to live in a way that does not harm oneself or others.
The Buddha taught that, through the cultivation of this path, we can start here and now to live more wisely, to increase our own sense of well-being, and be kinder to ourselves and those around us.

Essential to the teachings of the Buddha was the principal that "Buddhas only point the way". The Buddhist path is a practical one, to be explored and developed for oneself, though with support and guidance from friends and teachers.

Although Siddartha Gautama was born in India over 2,500 years ago, the experiences that led him to discover this path were perhaps not so different to those of modern western people. He was born into a wealthy and powerful family, was given every luxury, and was shielded from the realities of death, old age, and sickness. This is perhaps similar to the way that we are cushioned, through material security, from the uncertainties of life. Yet the Buddha eventually came to the realisation that life was fundamentally insecure and unsatisfactory, and this troubled him greatly. In the same way, we may often succumb to anxiety and depression, and a sense of general unease or dissatisfaction with our lives. It was this type of experience that led him on a journey to search for a solution to the problem of suffering, and which often motivates us now in a quest for deeper meaning or satisfaction in our lives."

Sarah Yorke

If you would like to learn a meditation practice, or find out more about Buddhism within the Theravada tradition, beginners meditation classes are held in Huddersfield on a weekly basis - for further information contact Deborah Raikes on 01422 843 469.

Sources: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bradford/lifestyle/faith/2003/buddism.shtml



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July 2007

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Even among those who hate.

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Even among the afflicted.

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Even among the troubled.

Look within. Be still.
Free from fear and attachment,
Know the sweet joy of living in the way.

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