He had said, "On belalf of the Cambodian Community and the Temple I am very please and honor to be here with all of you as a family.
From the Buddhist perspective we all are family, a family of human being. And as a family we should live in harmony with one another.
The Buddha once has said, a family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden.
When the Buddha was alive he seeing some children molesting a snake with sticks, he advised them to desist and toll the children that:
All tremble at the rod. Life is dear to all. Comparing others with oneself, one should neither strike nor cause to strike.
Whoever tries to seek happiness through hurting others, cannot find happiness.
Whoever tries to seek happiness without hurting others, can find happiness.
Hatred never ceases by hatred, by love alone it is healed."
He continue on and said, "I have seen the hard work among students, teacheres and the school district of Philadelphia and its outcome as of today. I admire of your good intention in bringing peace and harmony to the school and come together as a community and especially as a family."
At the end he wish everyone live a happy, healthy, and peaceful life and may everyone be success for the academic school year from this New Year onward.
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