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Documenting the Ubuse Crisis in the Roman Catholic Church

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Barbara Blaine is the founder and President of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), a national advocacy group for survivors of clerical sexual abuse. She alleges that she was sexually abused during her teenage years from junior high school until graduation (the abuse occurred from 1969–1974) by a priest. She revealed this in 1989.[1] The priest, Chet Warren, was removed from ministry and has been defrocked after she and others came forward.  Read more at: Wikipedia

WHO IS "Bisho Accountability" ???



It is a matter of public record that U.S. bishops have knowingly transferred thousands of abusive priests into unsuspecting parishes and dioceses, placing fear of "scandal" ahead of the welfare of children. The bishops themselves have apologized for what they call their "mistake," but they say nothing about the crucial actions that constitute accountability.

For true "bishop accountability" to occur, two things must happen: 1) there must be a full "account" of the bishops' responsibility for the sexual abuse crisis, both individually and collectively, and 2) bishops who have caused the abuse of children and vulnerable adults must be "held accountable."

1) How will a full account be given? The "account" of the bishops' responsibility for the crisis has so far come through the witness of survivors, through documents unearthed by law enforcement and the legal system, through depositions taken by lawyers, and through media reports. BishopAccountability.org is dedicated to consolidating and preserving that record.

The "account" has not come from the bishops. Indeed, during this 60-year crisis they have made every effort to conceal the truth from parishioners, from victims with whom they negotiated settlements, and sometimes even from each other. In their new era of embarrassed transparency, many of them are fighting the publication of accused priests' names, and even the production of legally subpoenaed files. In our view, all diocesan and conference files relating to the crisis should be made public, so that a full accounting may begin. Every day that the bishops delay, their "moral authority" weakens further, and the damage that they have done to the Catholic church increases.

"Studies" by their own hand-picked boards, working with whatever data the bishops themselves choose to relinquish, is not a full accounting.

2) Who will hold the bishops accountable? Bishops serve at the Pope's pleasure, and he will accept the resignation of any bishop who is credibly and publicly accused of abuse (Weakland of Milwaukee WI and O'Connell of Palm Beach FL), who is indicted or arrested (O'Brien of Phoenix AZ), or who is a liability because his people and especially his priests no longer want him (Law of Boston MA).

It is our hope that the information we are collecting at BishopAccountability.org will help expose bishops who have abused children or vulnerable adults, or have aided abusers. We hope we can encourage an informed public to demand indictments of bishops where appropriate. And failing these legal remedies, we hope that our Web site will embolden priests and laity to beg the removal of culpable bishops by the Pope.

BishopAccountability.org aims to facilitate the accountability of the U.S. bishops under civil, criminal, and canon law. We document the debates about root causes and remedies, because important information has surfaced during those debates. We take no position on the root causes, and we do not advocate particular remedies. If the facts are fully known, the causes and remedies will become clear.

Source: http://www.bishop-accountability.org/Who_We_Are/



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Personal Assistant to Venerable Rath, Muni
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July 2007

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Even among those who hate.

Live in joy, In health,
Even among the afflicted.

Live in joy, In peace,
Even among the troubled.

Look within. Be still.
Free from fear and attachment,
Know the sweet joy of living in the way.

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