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Sato International Scholarship Foundation

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Sato International Scholarship Foundation grants two types of scholarship for self-supporting students from ASEAN countries as well as Southwest Asian countries enrolled in a Japanese undergraduate or graduate institution:
        1. Scholarship for Self-Supporting Students
        2. Scholarship for Short-Term Exchange Students.

Students from the Following Countries are Eligible to Apply

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, East Timor, Vietnam.

Scholarship for Self-Supporting Students

The applicant must be residing in Japan, enrolled in or accepted to a legitimate program.  Please apply through the students’ office of your university.

Amount of Scholarship

Undergraduate students     
120,000 yen/month

Graduate students
180,000 yen/month
( plus additional support to cover cost for attending conferences )

Duration of Scholarship

2 years

Number of Scholarships Granted

Around 25 students will be accepted.


The applicant must be a citizen from the aforesaid countries, who does not hold Japanese citizenship and must be enrolled in a Japanese undergraduate or graduate institution, under the jurisdiction of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

The applicant must also fulfill the following requirements:
Does not receive any sort of scholarship or funding from other parties.
Holds legal residence status as a college student.
Have interest in promoting international understanding and friendship, and is able to attend SISF meetings (meetings are held 6 times/year).
Does not have a parent employed in Japan.
Does not hold a doctorate degree.
Is enrolled in a program with more than 1 year left until graduation/completion (from April 2009). This restriction does not apply to doctorate program.

Selection Process

Selected by screening committee
1.    First round of selection:  review of application form and documents
2.    Second round of selection:  interview

Past Record of No. of Application / Actual Grants

YearNo. ApplicantsNo. Grantees
2001 362132230231211
2002 30311119222913
2003 35011823220911
2004 362129233201010
2006 2669017628820
2007 32210621626818
2008 3099621327720
2009 2948620823617

Scholarship for Short-Term Exchange Students

This scholarship is provided to students who are recommended by those designated universities that have secured an agreement of recommendation with the Sato International Scholarship Foundation.  Scholarship as well as travel fee to Japan is provided to those students from the aforesaid countries who will study in Japan on a short term based on the agreement among universities for study exchange.

Amount of Scholarship

100,000 yen/month

Duration of Scholarship

Over 6 months, up to 10 months; however scholarship terminates upon completion of the program.

Designated Universities (as of September 2009)

The University of Electro-Communications, University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Tsukuba, J.F. Oberlin University, Rikkyo University.

Address: Asahi Seimei Ebisu Building 11th Floor
1-3-1 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan , Postal Code 150-0013
Telephone: (81) 3-5789-2190 , Fax: (81) 3-5420-5682



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Soun Sumedh
Personal Assistant to Venerable Rath, Muni
Blogger Admin

E-Mail: sounsumedh@yahoo.com

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July 2007

Live in Joy

Live in Joy, In love,
Even among those who hate.

Live in joy, In health,
Even among the afflicted.

Live in joy, In peace,
Even among the troubled.

Look within. Be still.
Free from fear and attachment,
Know the sweet joy of living in the way.

Venerable Rath, Muni's Weblog